Sunday, June 24, 2012
Open Letter to Thomas Mulcair
"The Conservatives abandon the very principles they claim they came to Ottawa to defend... Gutting their own Federal Accountability Act... Treating their backbench MPs like a rubber stamp,"
Yo Tom, that is how the State works. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Canada's political system essentially makes the PMO absolute. Only the Queen has ultimate authority and she only intervenes when David Rockefeller is unhappy.
Mr. Thomas Mulcair, welcome to Canadian politics. I know you've been involved with this mafia since 1994 but it is only now that you may faced with a serious fork in the road. Stick to your principles or abandon all hope. These are your only two options.
Let's begin with the latter -- abandoning all hope and forgetting what brought you here. You've been interested in environmental protection for a long time; you're in the NDP so you must care sustainability.
Well, things in Canada work differently from what you might imagine (certainly different from what you and I were taught in school, Tom). Despite what the textbooks say, Canada was never a free society. From the get-go we were coerced into a centralized union that benefited the British bankers over colonial farmers. The rising tide of populism was always kept in check by a police bureaucracy serving the State's interests. This police bureaucracy, although useful, was never as important as the State's primary weapon: control of information.
Canadians were religious; Church and State were always one despite the desire to legislate away this interconnectedness. As living standards rose, Canadians became less concerned with God and the afterlife. It was in this void that the State stepped in to promote its civic religion.
I'm not making this up, Tom. Canada is nothing but arbitrary lines on a map. Standing up for "Oh Canada" and worshipping the flag is nothing but dogmatic religious propaganda. The Supreme Court are the High Priests, Democracy is the Chosen One and the State is God.
So what does this mean for you, Mr. Muclair? Well it means for this successful hoodwink of society to continue, you have to play ball. If you want the PM job you will have to visit the Bilderberg group. Everybody does it. Some PM's, like Trudeau, were fairly friendly with the group. This is where you agree to ignore the reality before your eyes and continue to play the game. All hail the civic religion, soon to be replaced by a Global Religion (already underway in Rio).
This route means a continuation of the status quo. It also means you go down in history, not as the first Federal NDP Prime Minister but as just another puppet for the New World Order.
But what about the former option? Sticking to your principles. Well first things first, environmental sustainability requires private property. I know you're in the NDP but it's time to get a bit liberal. And I mean that in the utmost classical sense.
Most environmental problems fall under what is called the tragedy of the commons. When private property rights are not enforced or non-existent at all, people tend to treat the good as if it were unlimited. For example, the destruction of our forests is precisely because the Crown owns the property for the “common good.” Leasing the land to lumber companies creates disincentives for the company to reseed and replant. Because the lease is short-term, the company only has to worry about short-term profit. If they owned the land an incentive would arise to make sure the land stays profitable for years to come (i.e. replanting trees).
The same issue goes with the fishing sector. Unless you advocate private property rights in the water, issues like overfishing will never resolve itself. Cows represent a great example of the success of private property rights. Cows, unlike fish, have never come close to extinction.
To borrow a metaphor from Walter Block, imagine a giant bowl of soda with thirty straws. A group of children are brought in and told that this soda belongs to all of them, or rather, the soda is “commonly owned.” The kids would jump at those straws and drink themselves silly, barely pausing to take a breath. However, if instead of the giant bowl, there are thirty cans of soda and each kid gets their own can, the children would be far more conservative with their drinking. They could sip away at it at their own pace because the soda belonged to them individually.
Environmental problems involving air pollution result from a lack of enforcement of property rights. If an oil company dumped bitumen on your lawn, they’d clearly be trespassing against your property. If the extraction of bitumen causes greenhouse gases that travel across your property, how is this not the same violation? By refusing to protect property rights to their fullest extent, the Canadian government has created incentives for individuals to never bear the costs of pollution. Imagine how different industry would have (and still could) develop if polluters had an incentive to keep pollution to a minimum.
If you're serious about protecting the environment, Tom, it's time to cast off your ideological constraints and embrace freedom... But then you won't acquire the power of the PMO.
So perhaps I'm wrong - you haven't hit a fork in the road. Sticking to your socialist principles? Won't help the environment. Abandoning all initiative and becoming a mere puppet for the power-elite? That's politics. You're in politics. You must know this. There is no fork in the road for you, Tom. It's just business as usual. If you really cared about environmental sustainability you'd get the hell out of politics.
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