Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The CPP is a Scam

Was Canada, in 1965, run by old, white, privileged men?

Did they envision a pension plan based on faulty economics? Statist dreams for a better tomorrow unchecked by real-life consequences?

Until now, that is.

The Liberals have decided that in 2019, everyone is going to be forced to pay more into the CPP.

Even if you put a transgender minority vagina in charge, the state pension is still a very bad idea.

Here’s why:

First of all — what are we in jail?

Is it really the government’s duty to coddle us from cradle to grave? Perhaps a confederacy of dunces would require such leadership, but in a corporate-state economy, it’s just downright creepy.

Like Orwell’s big brother, here is this monster called the government, everyone is born into it, no one can undo it, you can freely move to another government if you want but even that requires some state paperwork -- and where you gonna find no government?

Somalia? What a
re we, comparing European socialism with North Korea? Parla usted Inglese?

Where is the libertarian country? Where is that region of polycentric legal orders based on any goddamn moral foundation you please?

But I digress,

The CPP works like this: the government takes a part of your income and gives it back to you later when you’re old enough.

Problems arise because people live longer than originally planned. In 1965, this would have been to the age of 71, almost 72.

In 2016, the average lifespan of a Canadian is nearly 82 years.

So just collect more money, then, says the statist. Well, that’s exactly what the government is doing.

The federal government has also assigned people to invest the loot into private and public equity holdings, and into real estate. 

That the nation’s retirement rests on a board of investors dealing in property bubbles, and that except for ballooning inflation and an erosion of society’s capital goods, everything else is great for mom and dad, I'd say things are all right.

Even if debts become unmanageable and private sector pensions fall through, they’ve always got Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement.

And everybody knows those will last forever. Never mind the overbearing and fundamentally parasitical costs of the state, there’s always ways to tax immigrants and children.

But what about this CPP pension scheme? 

What you get from it is supposedly determined by how much you pay into it over a lifetime.

What if the economy deteriorates from rampant statism, affecting the current and future prosperity of today’s toddlers, kids, teens, young adults, older adults and, yes, even the elderly baby-boomers?

How exactly does the socialist process of taxing and spending sustain the current standard of living for our parents and grandparents, as well as ourselves in the future? 

Perhaps there is a way to do it without punishing savers and producers? Without invoking government bureaucracy?

Perhaps one should require consent before entering into a multi-generational relationship?

Perhaps the CPP isn't worth preserving? 

At the very least, this whole CPP issue would be resolved if all levels of government would eliminate property and income taxes.

Debate as you will about sales taxes and the function and scope of government bureaucracy, but at least give Canadians the opportunity to save, invest and retire.

How could the government create more wealth than it collects from us? By giving an annual $3 billion to the CPP Investment Board? 

What about the tens of billions the Board is expecting in the future?

I'm sure Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party know best. People are stupid and irrational. Never mind the debasement of their currency. All that’s needed are higher contributions to the CPP and the wise leadership of our democratically-elected leaders.

By forcing a trade-off people didn't voluntarily make, the Liberals are demonstrating that their preferences override yours and if you disagree and are willing to act on it, you should be locked in a cage.


  1. When are you going to do Rothbardlive again?

  2. Soon, I think I'll go back to podcast format...
