Of the 24 hours that was last Saturday I probably spent a total of
thirty seconds reading through the snail-mail letter
Liberal Party of Canada sent me. The voting period is between April 7 and April 14. That
gives me less than a
to figure out if I actually want to spend time on this thing. I can
vote online, so it's not the logistics that bothers me – it's the
idea that I'm voting for a violent bureaucracy that wants to gain
political power to coerce
me, my family, friends and complete strangers.
to say, I probably won't vote for the Liberal Party leadership election. I'll be part of that tiny margin of
supporters that – for whatever reason – signed up as supporters
but never voted. But there are other reasons I'm not voting. For
starters, Justin Trudeau has already won. He's the establishment
favourite. Just pick up a newspaper. Any
Establishment journalists, whether they love him or hate him, write
about him. The Trudeau name has its connections to the Canadian
Council of Chief Executives (see CAN for more info) and the Liberal Party is blatantly in
bed with such Canadian tycoons as Paul Desmarais and co. I'm willing
to bet my left testicle that Justin Trudeau not only wins but out
performs MuLcair as the front-runner in the 2015 election. Do the Grits
deserve it? Of course not, and if Canadians were rational
free-thinking individuals they'd reject The Big Red Mess en
masse (and
withdraw their consent from the state itself, but I digress). Justin
Trudeau is Canada's answer to Barack Obama. Expect the Bush-Obama
dichotomy to play out as the Harper-Trudeau drama.
Trudeau is going to win next week – and I'm sure as hell not going
to vote for him – I see no reason in voting at all. That astronaut
figured this out... what's his face? Garneau?
He saw the cards being dealt out. Trudeau has the name,
and charisma. Policy? Wake up fuckheads, there is no fundamental
difference between the LPC, Tories, NDP, Green, Bloc, etc. Etc. Only
the Libertarian Party offers some clue as to what actually constitutes a
free society. But even-so, these party bureaucracies exist as a springboard to state power and thus should be discouraged, neglected and
whole voting process (whether within the LPC or in a general
election) is a façade. A fraud perpetrated on the people to foolishly
make them believe that “we” have a say in how the state uses its
monopoly of force. In the words of George Carlin, it's all bullshit
folks and it's bad for ya. Will I vote in the LPC leadership
election? Most likely not. Then why the hell did I sign up as a
supporter? Two reasons: (1) I enjoy getting mail; (2) It allows me to
make comments
on the LPC website. I've tried to insert some of my classical liberal
leanings into their posts, but am always shot-down. Even non-political stuff like MS research
was ignored. So I e-mailed Martha Hall Findlay only to discover that
she – like all these clueless bureaucrats – believe central banks
are essential for prosperity and that Mark Carney is doing "an excellent
job.” She seemed like the only rationale person running for the
leadership, so that came as a big disappointment. Then I e-mailed a
few others (David Bertschi, Joyce Murray, etc.) and never heard back.
So much for democracy. Think I'll go back to reading Hoppe.
about sums up my thoughts on the LPC leadership election. There
remains one problem, however. Voting ends on Sunday and I can't bring
myself to destroy that goddamn letter. So I have to get through the
weekend without stumbling home drunk and doing something
like voting. Maybe I'll get lucky and bring home some horny broad
with STDs. But heaven-forbid I drunkenly sit down at my computer and
vote in the LPC leadership election. Yes, that's right: I'd rather
get genital herpes than vote in an election where the winner has already been chosen by fascist elites.
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